Our Story – from Hardenberg&Co to Angelcare to Majuma

We had our first experience when we received an Angelcare movement monitor from a friend when our son was born extremely premature at 24 weeks gestation.

We can truly say that this monitor has saved our sanity! Throughout the initial difficult time at home, we at least managed to get some decent sleep. Our ‘little’ boy is now 15 years old and doing really well, after a challenging start to his life.

But when he was only 2 years old, Julie (my wife) and I had the opportunity to become the Angelcare distributor in the UK. We started the company in 2007 and quickly became the biggest distributor of Angelcare products worldwide.

Hardenberg&Co was acquired by Angelcare in 2016, but before that we also distributed brands like Ameda (breastpumps), Duux (air quality), Evenflo (ExerSaucers) and Sassy Baby (educational toys).

I left Hardenberg&Co/Angelcare at the end of 2019 and have now establised Majuma Ltd, offering my experience and contacts to the wider baby and toy industry,

Driven by our personal experience, Majuma’s objective is to make essential products and services, like the Angelcare Baby Movement Monitor, available to the widest audience possible.

We would love to work with brands offering or developing products or services that will provide a very relevant added value and peace of mind to parents and their babies.

If you feel we can help you, please give us a call!

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